Whole Wheat Seed Bread
Oil-Free and easily converted into buns or rolls, this is a whole-grain bread recipe you need to keep on hand!
Servings Prep Time
1large loaf 2hours
Cook Time Passive Time
40minutes 2+hours
Servings Prep Time
1large loaf 2hours
Cook Time Passive Time
40minutes 2+hours
  1. Combine 3 cups whole wheat flour, salt, vital wheat gluten and mixed seeds in the bowl of a stand mixer (or a large bowl if you plan to knead by hand).
  2. Add honey and hot water. Mix until well incorporated. Allow to sit for 20-30 minutes to allow flour to hydrate.
  3. Add 1 T yeast. Mix until well-blended, then add flour 1/2 cup at a time until dough is firm and sticky but doesn’t stick to your finger when touched.
  4. Knead for 10-15 minutes (if by hand) or until well incorporated with a mixer. Whole wheat doesn’t pass the window pane test, but it should still be pretty stretchy.
  5. Allow dough to rise for 45 minutes or until doubled in size.
  6. Form into loaf and place in pan. I use parchment paper to keep it from sticking. Add more seeds to the top if desired.
  7. Allow the loaf to rise for 15-30 minutes until it starts to rise above the pan.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.
  9. Knead for 10-15 minutes (if by hand) or until well incorporated with a mixer. Whole wheat doesn’t pass the window pane test, but it should still be pretty stretchy.
  10. Let rise for 45 minutes or until doubled in size.
  11. Form into loaf and place in pan. I use parchment paper to keep it from sticking. Add more seeds to the top if desired.
  12. Raise for 15-30 minutes until the loaf starts to rise above the pan.
  13. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.
Recipe Notes

This recipe also makes 12 hamburger buns or 16 rolls without modification other than the forming of the dough.

Link to seeds I purchased on Amazon. They are really good. Or mix your own if you make it often enough and want to spend less $$. (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, white and black sesame seeds, buckwheat groats, chia seeds, millet, amaranth. Any or all of the above. I don’t like hemp seeds in this recipe.) I make a big batch of equal proportions of each seed and store it in a cereal container.
