Superfood Chocolate Protein Smoothie

Superfood Chocolate Protein Smoothie

This smoothie makes a great afternoon snack for my often ravenous boys and has been sustaining my sister as she recovers from sinus surgery.  This is my favorite combination, but if you don’t have all the ingredients, try some substitutions. The cocoa and bananas help 

Steel Cut Oats in a Programmable Rice Cooker

Steel Cut Oats in a Programmable Rice Cooker

I bought a programmable Aroma Rice Cooker at Costco 7 years ago for $30, and it was life-changing. I think I convinced at least 6 family members they needed one too.  Mine may have been used more than all of theirs put together, as I 

Overnight Steel-Cut Oats (or Rolled!) in the Instant Pot

Overnight Steel-Cut Oats (or Rolled!) in the Instant Pot

Having warm oatmeal ready for us every morning is such a wonderful thing.  Knowing all we have to do is open the Instant Pot, give it a quick stir and add whatever toppings we are in the mood for is amazing.  It’s almost faster than