Podcast Episode 47: Plant-Based Pregnancy at 40

The word is out, we have #6 on the way! Here I have tips of specific things to be aware of in a plant-based pregnancy along with some wisdom that has helped me along the way.


Missing one of our 5 boys here . . .the little boys were not going to wait for him to get home before they changed! My black dress and scarf are doing a good job of hiding the growing bump that is #6!

47. Plant-Based Pregnancy at 40

The word is out, we have #6 on the way! Here I have tips for a plant-based pregnancy along with some wisdom that has helped me along the way.  Plant-Based eater specific supplement: Complement  (we use the Essential Liquid) use coupon code myplantstrongfamily for 10% off!

Plant-Based eater specific supplement: Complement  (we use the Essential Liquid) use coupon code myplantstrongfamily for 10% off!

Vitamin Code Prenatal

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