Greens for Life Juice from Cherie Calbom, the Juice Lady

Raise your hand if you can eat:

4 giant kale leaves, stems included

4 sticks celery, leaves included

a whole cucumber, skin included

a granny smith apple

a knob of ginger

a lemon

That’s a lot of food that is hard to eat on it’s own, isn’t it?

Yet when I put it through the juicer I had a nice tall glass of green juice I drank in about 30 minutes.

Juicing is an amazing way to give your body nutrients in a higher quantity and more easily absorbed than just about anything else.

Yes fiber is super important and juicing does away with the fiber, but juicing doesn’t take the place of a healthy well-rounded diet, it just adds to it.

Cherie Calbom turned her own health around using juicing and has helped many do the same with her wide selection of books and online resources.

We bought this juicer several years ago to battle my dad’s cancer and I’ve been happy with it. Cherie is a fan of the higher-end Nama juicer and you can get 10% off with her code juicelady.

Not sure you’re ready to invest in a juicer?

If it hadn’t been for my dad’s cancer I’m not sure we would have made the investment in a juicer.

I think most of us are always weighing not just the cost, but the space of having yet one more appliance in the kitchen!

A few ideas:

Often people buy juicers and don’t end up using them like they thought they would. Craigslist, Facebook, etc. are great places to find a used one at a significant savings.

I have one friend who blended up her celery in her Vitamix and then put it through a nut-milk bag! Creative but it worked!

No matter how you figure it out, the time and money you invest in juicing can do amazing things for your health!

But how does it taste?

My kids LOVE any time they get to help with the juicer. They are super helpful about pushing things through. It gets a little messier than it would otherwise, but it’s always fun to have them involved.

Particularly for kids or those who might not be veggie-lovers just yet, this juice may not have quite the appeal as something from the grocery store shelves.

I absolutely loved it, but it was a little strong for my kids. So I made a second batch and subbed carrots for the kale and used 3 Pink Lady apples which are much sweeter.

This was more palatable for them, especially the ones who had started out drinking the stronger one!

As I mentioned in the podcast, I made juices for a 6 year old friend who everyone would expect needed fingers amputated after a rare genetic issue caused them to turn black. I made this juice with carrots, beets and ginger, but also included oranges, apples, and grapes to make it super tasty.

Fresh fruit juice you make yourself is SO, so much better than anything you see on the grocery store. Juiced veggies definitely pack the most minerals and nutrients, but combining them with extra fruit to make them something appealing to your more selective eaters is a fantastic step in the right direction.

I learned so much from Cherie, enjoy!


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Greens for Life Juice from Cherie Calbom, the Juice Lady
  1. Juice according to your juicers instructions. Enjoy as soon as possible!
Recipe Notes

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