Tag: depression

Podcast Episode 11: Overcoming Adderall Addiction, Chronic Fatigue, and Depression with Nathan Reo [Part 1 of 2]

Podcast Episode 11: Overcoming Adderall Addiction, Chronic Fatigue, and Depression with Nathan Reo [Part 1 of 2]

Nearly all of us have had a time in our lives when prescription or even over the counter drugs brought much needed relief from pain and other intense suffering. Unfortunately though, the sad reality is that sometimes pharmaceuticals come with unwanted and unexpected side effects 

Podcast Episode 9. Overcoming Crohn’s by Swapping Plants for Keto with Cassidy Gundersen

Podcast Episode 9. Overcoming Crohn’s by Swapping Plants for Keto with Cassidy Gundersen

[Update! Cassidy just released Curing Crohn’s where she shares not just her amazing journey from being crowned Miss Idaho despite her intense addiction to processed food as well as her healing protocol] If you’ve ever dealt with digestive discomfort or bathroom issues (who hasn’t?) then